Monday, November 30, 2009

God Will Provide...

I have been dreading this week literally the whole semester. It is the week before finals, and, coincidentally, the week in which two of my professors graciously assigned due dates for our final papers, as opposed to next week. Needless to say, I've got at least 4 papers due (and that's not counting the few that I can rewrite if I get the time. Right.)

However, this day (a Monday, of all days!) has been so full of God's presence that I can't help but be at peace. I'll share three of these "sightings" with you.

1. Toilet paper. This may seem strange. But believe you me, I have legitimately seen God in it. See, I ran out a few weeks ago (other than a sneaky roll hiding in my closet, but that's a different story...) and I failed to follow the proper procedure in order to procure more paper. (i.e., tell my mother). My suitemates also faced this same dilemma, and so we were left paperless. I don't need to go in to detail, but let's just say we had to resort to some unconventional methods. But today, I got toilet paper. Never have I appreciated it more, and it has put me in such a good mood! Thanks, Mom!

2. Thrift. I like to get things, but even more, I like saving money when I buy them. I have been searching for curtains for my dorm window this whole semester. With the recent removal of the one wall that had any color (don't ask) my sanity demanded the immediate purchase of curtains. So I went to Target today to look. Who knew curtains could be so expensive? And what really got me was they sold them as single panels. I don't know why, but I do know that spending $50+ was not an option. I got frustrated. They were all overpriced, and frankly, not so attractive. And then I happened upon a cloth shower curtain. It was perfect! $15 for a curtain that could be cut and sewn in to two panels, with the perfect pattern! My mom sewed them for me, and I am in love with them.
Here they are, in all their glory. See my mini-tree I got from the dollar section at Target? :)

3. A paper grade: A. (That's new!) It's a long story, that I actually typed out until I decided it was too much, but simply, I got an A on a paper that I thought I did horribly on. I had offered it up to God before writing it (at 5 am on the day it was due...) and He really and truly came through for me. Not only is this good for my grade, but it has also reassured me about all the papers I have to write this week.

God will provide. I asked, and he answered. He never fails to answer; never fails to provide.

Thank You, God!


Unknown said...

This is a very good thing to be reminded of as I'm awaiting scholarship notifications. Thank you!

CeeCee said...

AMEN!! God is so good.