Thursday, November 12, 2009

World Wide Worship, Round Two...

I have blogged before on the amazing opportunities and resources for spiritual growth that the internet offers, but let me reiterate-- there are so many out there, and you need to take advantage of them!

In my searching about Ignatian prayer, I came across a couple of things, and I would like to share them with you:

1.) 3-Minute Retreats: these are small multi-media daily devotions. They focus on a different topic each day, and prompt you to explore certain aspects of your inner spirituality as well as your outward actions. For anyone who has trouble getting in to the right mindset for prayer, I would recommend them as an appetizer, if you will, to your regular daily prayer. The mix of peaceful graphics, calming music, and gentle words brings restfulness to any day. I installed a button on my page to the site for your perusal.


2.) Daily Inspirations: from the same site as the 3-minute retreats (LoyolaPress), these integrate the Saint of the day, the daily scripture readings, and a small meditation. I feel like I don't need to say much about the benefits of having these in your day.

All of these new findings have prompted a little redecorating of my site. I've linked you up with the 3-minute prayers, daily inspirations, as well as links directly to both the scripture readings and the day's saint. These will all be automatically updated via the ever-fabulous RSS feed!

I have these all here not just as a resource to me, but to you, the reader (whoever you are...). So check them out, and please, let me know what you think of them. I also feel I should take this time to point out the addition of the list of blogs that I read. I recommend any and all of them to you!

It amazes me how God works through anything, and everything (and anybody, and everybody!). So allow God to take over every aspect of your life; to infuse both the large, and the small. You won't regret it.


CeeCee said...

It's been FIVE days. I miss you blogging so frequently.

Unknown said...

Here's your comment!
I'm definitely going to try out the 3-Minute Retreats. Well, and everything else.