Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In retrospect...

God puts many things and people in our lives at specific times to help us handle certain issues at hand.

Today, God put something in my life just when I needed it, and strangely enough, it was yesterday's blog post.

I was upset about something, and I was (quite emotionally) questioning God about certain things that had happened, not understanding His will for me. I was very near the depths of self pity, when, in my (futile) attempt to distract myself, I opened my computer. My internet connection was nonexistent, so my attempts to Facebook the night away were thwarted. In frustration, I clicked on the tab where I had left my blog up. And there it hit me:

Give thanks to the Lord for all things.

Whoa. I mean, when I wrote that, I had little going on to complain about, and had contemplated the whole idea at length. It is a nice, neat idea, with convenient biblical references. But there I was in the throes of frustration, anger, and sadness; life was not at all what I hoped it would be... the exact moment that the test of giving thanks was most applicable.

My own words challenged me. Would I continue as I was, or would I step up and put in to practice something that is much easier blogged about then actually done?

As I thought about it, I realized that despite the crappiness of the situation, there was so much to thank God for. And as I sat there in prayer listing all the good that I saw in the situation, and thanking God for it, my perspective transformed. I no longer felt hopeless or desperate, but instead filled with JOY that the Lord is acting in my life, and that I have before me a wonderful opportunity to grow deeply in His love!

God also foreshadowed this test when I was journeying through the bible in Eucharistic Adoration today. One of the verses I wrote down was Psalm 26:2:
"Probe me, Yaweh, examine me, test my heart and my mind in the fire. For your faithful love is before my eyes, and I live my life by your truth."

I feel like I passed the test, and that I am beginning to truly live by God's truth. Thank God!

1 comment:

CeeCee said...

AMEN!!! Praise the Lord indeed.