Saturday, December 12, 2009


Over the past week, somewhere in the midst of writing essays, studying for finals, barely sleeping, and getting sick, I lost my voice.

While this sometimes prevented me from having conversations (and sometimes didn't deter me at all), what stood out most to me were the two times I was in Mass.

Apparently, I have completely taken for granted the joy and community that is found in singing, both the mass parts and the hymns, with the congregation. Every time the choir began, my mouth would open. I would immediately shut it, remembering my voice and its currently uncontrollable pitches. Without singing, this Mass felt strangely empty to me, as if I wasn't fully there. I've never realized what a great part singing plays in the spirit of the entire Mass.

On the other hand, there is something to be discovered in silence. I was able to concentrate a lot on the actual text of the mass, and focus on what was actually being said and was taking place. I think being "quiet" for a while helped me to listen more to God.

That said, it was certainly an interesting experience. My voice is now on the mend, Thank the Lord! Hopefully, despite having a voice once more, I can still find the silence to hear the Lord.

P.S. Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe! Say a Rosary today, or just spend some time in prayer with our Blessed Mother!


Alejandro said...

We will be praying the Rosary at 4 pm at the new Lower Center. I don't have your phone number so I couldn't text you about it, hopefully, Brittany did.

Ruth said...

Not being able to sing is the worst! Every fall I ALWAYS lose my voice (this year being the first year not to in like my whole life)and it wouldn't be too bad except for the no signing thing. They seem to sing the best songs when I'm not able to join.

Shannon said...

I know how you feel. I remember back in eighth grade, I lost my singing voice the summer before and it didn't come back till December. I had to quit church choir and all. I couldn't do any singing in church really. Luckily it came back the week before the Christmas festival (bad part was memorizing the Hallelujah Chorus in a week...ouch.)

I like what you said about the silence. I'm glad to hear losing your voice brought you some good! It just goes to show good can be found even when you think there is none!