Friday, November 20, 2009


There is nothing like a semester living out of the house to make you appreciate your family (even if it's just an eensy bit more).

Tonight, I had spaghetti for dinner, sitting at the table with four other people, and afterwards, lounged about the living room in front of a fire, snuggled with my dog, and bantered back and forth with the other people in the room.

And it felt like absolute bliss.

It feels so great to be constantly surrounded by people again, despite any outrageous behavior. That's what really makes a home... the constant talking and moving and laughing and fighting.

I love it.

Disclaimer: there was a hole in my heart because a certain sister wasn't there. :(


CeeCee said...

Nobody told me I needed to be at dinner.

Allison Marshall said...

Don't be mad at me! I got home, and we literally sat down to ate.