Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The difference between talking and singing.

Read this: http://www.teacherlove.org/nadine-cole-academy-of-ballet-arts/

I had the privilege of receiving two years of ballet training from Ms. Cole. Two years that would shape me from an awkward dancer, who, as the article mentioned and we all heard so often, didn't know how to simply stand up straight, to a dancer who, through rigorous and meticulous training, was somehow deemed worthy enough to be Cinderella. (It should be mentioned that much of this is also attributed to the thrice-weekly classes I took from her daughter, Claudia Oates-- incredible dancer and incredible woman.)

Me and "Prince Charming". About 20 minutes before this, we ended the show in an unforgettable moment-- he put me down from a lift of top of a little girl's head. Traumatic. (c. 2007)

Ms. Cole was very straight-edge and unwilling to compromise when it came to her art. While she was never unkind, she wasted no time with sugar-coated niceties-- something that I believe to have made me not only a stronger dancer, but a stronger woman.

I remember her classes being hard, and I also remember many girls quit because they simply wanted to have "fun" and couldn't handle the strictures of Ms. Cole's ballet classes-- the strict attire and class behavior. The article puts it perfectly when it says "she was beloved by all who could endure the commitment, for she opened the door to an elevated and beautiful world we would otherwise never have known."

Sometimes, her classes were hard to endure. Really hard. But you know, I am proud that I persevered. Especially after reading this article. Because I understand now that sticking with her class is something not everyone could do. But I did, and I got to experience something really beautiful and rare because of it.

Ms. Cole and me at her farewell gathering. (c. 2008)

I am thankful for this article, because it has made me view my time with Ms. Cole with a renewed appreciation. It also makes me miss dancing very, very much. In Colorado, I was blessed beyond belief to take a class with Mrs. Mary Lynn Powell (co-director of Camp Wojtyla Scott Powell's mother). Taking with Mrs. Powell brought to mind many memories of classes with Ms. Cole, in that both women possess incredible experience and knowledge in the world of ballet.

I had not danced in 2 years. It was rough, but how my heart sang! The movements, though lacking in strength and finesse, were nonetheless familiar and beloved to my body and spirit. My friends who were with me told me they'd kill me if I didn't get myself back in to classes. Maybe... maybe not.

Me and some of my sweet dance friends who stuck out Ms. Cole's classes with me. This was taken at Auburn Ballet School on the last night of classes before it shut its doors for good. (c. 2008)

So what I want to know is... what will glorify You, Lord?


CeeCee said...

What a beautiful article about Ms. Cole! Wow.

Also, what a beautiful post by you! I love getting to see your heart when you write. Here I really saw it. May the Lord bless you with opportunities to dance again!

Kerry said...

Thank you for sharing this story, Allison! If it's ok with you, I'd love to post a link to this article on TeacherLove.org along with Kate Kennard's article about Nadine Cole. Thanks again for sharing. Best, Kerry

Rachel Cason said...

As much as I love where dance is taking me these days, I will always miss the ABS days with you and all the girls! I love this post (and the picture). :)