Sunday, January 23, 2011

Life to the Full

Today was an absolutely beautiful day-- a wonderful, sunny break from the gray weather we've been experiencing. To take advantage of that fact, one of my best friends, Kathlene, and I made a trip over to Chewacla State Park. (I think it's one of the best things about Auburn... and for the record, so is she! :) )

We spent the first part of our time lake-side, swinging or laying in the grass with the sunshine beaming down upon us. (Complete with a 3 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet!) It was gorgeous out, and being in God's creation made me feel so alive-- sometimes it's so easy to forget that Jesus came that we might have life to the FULL. I've been trying harder to live a full life lately.

Before we left, we drove to the top of the park to look out over the quarry. The iPod was playing, and I was feeling inspired, so I couldn't resist dancing. (Yes, people stared when they drove by.)

It was a beautiful winter day.

We left the park with the intent to drive down county roads (a favorite pastime of ours). However, the car had a different idea.

The battery died three times, each time in a different place. The very last time was in the middle of an intersection. Kathlene got out and tried to push the car-- uphill-- but thankfully people were kind enough to help us... and instruct otherwise.

Needless to say, it was quite the experience.

It was pretty incredible just how many people stopped to help us. We even had a fire truck pull up to offer assistance, and one woman drove to get her husband and bring him back to help us. I guess two girls and a broken down car looks pretty pitiful. We were blessed by their kindness. (Thankfully, it wasn't dark yet!)

To recover, we treated ourselves to the ever-delicious Hibachi Express, and hung out at the Lower Center (ahem... Catholic Student Center) with another best friend, Mary. Thankfully, a few games of scatterball, Uno, some youtube videos, and a visit to Jesus in the chapel of the Mitcham House was enough to remove any traces of the traumatic car experience.

Praise God for such a beautiful day, full of beautiful people, and lots of laughter!


CeeCee said...

OH GOODNESS!! Was it your car or hers that died?!

P.S. Sounds like so much fun. I am jealous of your warm weather.

Allison Marshall said...

Hers! And it wasn't too warm... probably upper 40s, lower 50s during the day, and while I was standing outside trying to get her car to jump, it was 40!! But it was nice while the sun was out.