Sunday, January 16, 2011

Guess Who's Back?

... back again! And better than ever! (Hopefully, you'll think so too.)

I make no promises.

I am busy, probably too busy to try to start blogging again (especially at the start of the semester), but my fingers simply can't resist.

I would like to think my blog will now more accurately represent who I am-- it is strange to read my posts from only a year ago, and to realize that is no longer my voice. I have grown a lot. (No, I don't mean in height. I'm still praying for that one.)

So, who can say if I have been changed for the better (I do believe I have been changed for the better) but hopefully, you'll enjoy.

You're likely to see a shift from the essay/sermon/lecture style of before, and something that is a little more akin to what's inside my brain. Which just means I'm going to stop trying so hard to say super-profound things using smart-sounding words, and instead just sound like me. I forgive you if you stop reading now! (Hopefully, though, my unedited self is much less spastic than my 8th grade self, as my long lost xanga would give witness to. Let me know.)

There's likely to be a shift from talking about the things I've been thinking to the things I've been doing (... uh, who am I kidding?! I'm melancholic phlegmatic! Shall we call automatic fail on this one?) but, after all, you can't just THINK things for the greater glory of God... you must also DO them!

I'll leave you here. (I really like parenthesis.)


CeeCee said...

YAY!! I am so excited you are back!!! I love you (and the musical reference -- "For Good", Wicked, what?!!).

I am definitely looking forward to reading more!! Welcome back.

CeeCee said...

P.S. I love the new look of the blog too!

codi.susanne said...

I hope my Xanga never resurfaces...and I LOVE the new layout!