Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is my bible study!

They are great. (Can't you tell?) 

It has been such a blessing to share life, study scripture, and laugh weekly with these girls. I will miss them this summer, but can't wait for the growth the Lord has in store for us next year! They have taught me so much.

I was really scared when I started my bible study. I had a list of girls to call, and I hated talking on the phone... I was so nervous that no one would want to come, and that God could not work through me. God loves to prove me wrong (and how thankful I am for that!).

We had an end of the year dinner party tonight, and they made excellent dinner guests. They brought my day (filled with fundraising, finals, and studying) so much joy. What brought your day joy today?

1 comment:

CeeCee said...

Reading this post brought me joy!!! And seeing the pictures! And thinking about seeing you tomorrow!