Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The wonders of technology!(?)

I can now blog via my cellphone. Is this really as good and necessary as it's made out to be?

I am trying to find out how easy it is. I've been wanting to do a phone dump of pictures anyways, so let's see if it works!

Precious children that I was blessed to babysit a few weeks ago. I love them! We were making burritos...

See? (Bonus question: Okay, listen... is that a good burrito?!)

"I henceforth claim this burger for the United States of America!" Patriotic bison burger from Ted's Montana Grill. Prudence and I went there this past weekend after a shopping trip to REI.

Okay, so here we run in to a phone uploading problem... while it's convenient that I can transfer pictures directly from my phone to blog without having to get a cord, move them to my computer, and upload them to the internet, I can't rotate them via blogger. Sorry about that! The recipient of this photo was my Dad, because of the label 'alphabets'. I had a teacher last semester who constantly yelled at us to not write "ambiguous alphabets"... I never understood why she couldn't just say "letters"?

Auburn sunsets. Not in focus, and probably not taken in a particularly safe manner. But what can I say, I love "this guy".

One day, I went shopping with my mom and grandma for new lamps in the living room. Naturally, we had to look at new light fixtures for every other room in the house. This was my pick for the dining room.

Speaking of my momma, here she is! I love this woman... she is beautiful in so many ways, and I want to be like her when I grow up. We had just gotten haircuts, and I was showing my sisters via picture message.

I hope you enjoyed this adventure. It was interesting, but I think I will stick to blogging on my computer for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the phone-blog adventure!
I'm also kind of jealous, btdubs, that your phone takes such good pictures. Although, pictures 1, 2, and 5 (in succession going down from the top) are by far the best.
Thank you for sharing!